LINK is an interactive design studio focus on web design software development and APP. The logo was a combination of INK and an invisible L, symbolized the innovative way of communication. The L was hollow-carved on print materials such as business cards and wall decoration. A section of code was used to remind us the internet business.
项 目:品牌
客 户:联墨互动
设 计:Dooo Design Studio
时 间:14-04-03
荣 誉
奖 项:[ 台湾 ] 台湾国际平面设计奖 2015 - 入选
奖 项:靳埭强设计奖 2014 - 入选
奖 项:Hiiibrand 设计奖 2015 - 入选
出 版:[ 台湾 ]《台湾 CTA: 亚洲创意对话》 - 刊载
出 版:《品牌设计零距离》 - 刊载
出 版:《中国设计年鉴 9》 - 刊载