

Milightspace is a newly established school of fine arts. They need a business card to promote their service. A regular business card is nothing but a piece of garbage. Milightspace need more creative things to attract customers. Sketch is the public impression to school of fine arts. We print the sketch of Leonardo da Vinci's self-portrait onto an A3 paper and cut it into several business cards. There is sketch texture on every card and contact info on the reverse side. A set of business card become a Jigsaw puzzle. Everyone loves the business card, and someone even want to collect a set of them. Of course, the client's need is met. The business card design became a news topic.

客 户: Milightspace
设 计: Dooo Design Studio
时 间: 12-04-01

奖 项: 澳门设计双年展 第九届 入选
奖 项: 中国设计大展 2012 - 入选
奖 项: 关山月美术馆 - 馆藏

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