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Hiii Photography 2015 国际摄影大赛
The International Photography Competition
Dooo Design Studio
+ 3 项 作品 入选
时 间: 15-11-23 | // Link | 链接 //
Hiii Photography 2015,暨第二届Hiii Photography国际摄影大赛,面向世界范围的摄影师、创意机构、教师和学生征集摄影作品。大赛分为彩色(Color)和黑白(Mono)两个类别。截至截稿,共收到来自20多个国家和地区的有效参赛作品513件,其中彩色类361件,黑白类152件。
组委会邀请了4位在国际上享有盛名的摄影师担任了本届大赛的国际评委,他们分别是:Christophe Gilbert(比利时)、Alex Gertschen(瑞士)、Felix Meier(瑞士)和Roman Jehanno(法国)。
Open to all photographers, creative professionals, publishers, agencies, representatives, students and teachers from all over the world. Hiii Photography 2015 International Competition had received 513 pieces of works from more than 20 countries and regions around the world.
The Organizing Committee invited 4 international judges to do the judging, they are Christophe Gilbert, Alex Gertschen, Felix Meier and Roman Jehanno.