
GDC 15 作品集

[ 大陆 / China ]
平面设计在中国 2015
Graphic Design in China 2015
Dooo Design Studio
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时 间: 16-01-28    |    // Link | 链接 //


GDC 15 作品集 sw 01


GDC是中国首个面向全球的大型综合性设计竞赛双年展活动,每两年举办一次。GDC前身为平面设计在中国展(Graphic Design in China),由深圳市平面设计协会创办自1992年。这一设计竞赛活动已经成为华人地区影响最大、水平最高、且最具权威和公正性的设计盛典。


GDC is the first large-scale comprehensive design campaign in China towards the globe since year 1992, held every two years. It was founded by Shenzhen Graphic Design Association (SGDA) as a predecessor as Graphic Design in China. This campaign has become the most influential with highest quality and the most authoritative and impartial design festival in Chinese region.


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